About Me

Photo by Nathan Cowley on Pexels

Hello! Thank you for visiting my portfolio.

I am a writer by passion, a journalist by profession. I write about science, the environment, and pets. In my decade-long experience as a writer, I have tasted all flavours of writing: journalistic stories, popular science books, children's books, long-form narrative stories, personal essays,  regular columns and short science snippets. I now work for Mongabay, an award-winning environment news portal, as a Staff Writer covering all things wildlife related. 

My words have appeared in Mongabay, Hakai Magazine, Nature, Audubon Magazine, BioScience, The Architectural Review, Scientific American, Science, Deccan Herald, The Open Notebook, The Print and others.

I am a recipient of several fellowships and awards, including the SEAL Environment Journalist of the Year 2024, Digital Publications Award Silver 2024, Earth Journalism Network's GEF Attendance Fellowship 2023,  SEJ-Uproot Diversity Fellowship 2022, Institute of Journalism and Natural Resources (IJNR) Fellowship 2022, the AAAS EurekAlert! Fellowship for International Science Reporters 2019 and the Asian Scientist Writing Prize 2017. I am a member of the National Association of Science Writers (NASW) and the Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ).

My foray into science writing is part accident and part ardor. I started out as a science writer for the Science Media Centre at IISc in 2015. In 2016, I became the Founding Managing Editor at Research Matters, a multilingual science news portal in India, until 2020. I spent a big part of 2021 writing two books about Indian science and scientists. In 2022, I was an intern at Mongabay.com, and a Fellow at Hakai Magazine. I spent 2023 and part of 2024 freelancing, writing for various publications and exploring different forms of writing. Since November 2024, I have joined Mongabay's global bureau as a Staff Writer covering wildlife.

Beyond writing, I have extensive experience editing science stories, teaching science communication and writing, and mentoring aspiring science writers.

I live in the beautiful city of St. John's, Canada, on an island where whales and icebergs pay a visit each year. When not working, you can find me watching videos, reading books, embroidering my next art, or walking my dog in the neighbourhood trails.